Akshat Saraswat

Building things that matter.

Hi, I'm a 2nd year Computer Science student at Indian Institute of Information Technology, Kottayam with a strong foundation in full-stack development and a keen interest in cybersecurity.

Projects and Experience

3.5k+ stars on GitHub
200k+ users
100+ contributors

I am a core contributor and maintainer of FastForward since 2020. FastForward is an extension that helps users skip shortend links and redirects, preserving privacy.

I was responsible for the development of its backend in Go and MaraiaDB, infrastructure on Oracle Cloud, CI/CD pipelines on GitHub Actions, and the extension in JavaScript. I have also contributed to the documentation and community management.

GoJavaScriptNode.jsDockerOracle CloudGitHub ActionsMariaDBBash
9.1k+ Monthly Impressions
2 contributors

I am the lead developer of IIITK.in, a student-run host for IIITK. I am responsible for the development and maintenance of its infrastructure. Its features include a blog and an authentication system.

TypeScriptNext.jsTailwind CSSCloudflareEleventyHugo
Coming Soon

I am currently working on Port0, an OAuth2 provider for IIITK. It will provide a unified login experience for all services hosted by IIITK. It features end-to-end AES encryption.

TypeScriptHonoOAuth2Cloudflare WorkersVitestGitHub ActionsNextJSTailwind CSSRedux
1.5k+ Monthly Impressions
1 contributor

This portfolio is built using Nuxt, Vue.js, and Tailwind CSS. It is hosted on Cloudflare Pages, 100% serverless and SSR optimized.

TypeScriptVueNuxtTailwind CSSCloudflare Pages

I am always looking for new opportunities and challenges. If you have a project or an idea you'd like to discuss, feel free to reach out to me.

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